1969 Woodside Lane | Virginia Beach, VA 23454
Office Hours
M-TH: 8:30-1:30
Friday and Saturday closed

If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to join with us as we strive to grow in the knowledge and love of our Lord Jesus Christ through worship, education, fellowship, and outreach.
Rector's Message
On behalf of the congregation, I would like to welcome you to All Saints’ Episcopal Church. We are a part of the larger Episcopal fellowship of the Diocese of Southern Virginia.
Through the preaching of God’s Word and the administration of the Sacraments, we seek to know Christ and to make Him known in our community. It is our hope that this information will tell you a little more about who we are and how we live out our faith together in this place. If you are looking for a Church home, we invite you to join with us as we strive to grow in the knowledge and love of our Lord Jesus Christ through our worship, education, fellowship, and outreach.
Religious Formation
Religious Education and Formation take place whenever anything happening within the life of the parish adds to or deepens our faith. Therefore, very special attention is paid to the Sunday classes, the services, the music, and the celebration of Seasons and Feast Days in the Church.
The children's classes use age-appropriate material drawn from a variety of published curricula and other resources. Classes explore the meaning of a Lesson or the Psalm or Gospel appointed for the day. Vacation Bible School is offered in the summer.
The adult class is a discussion group open to any adult, 18 or older, and is designed to welcome everyone. Special opportunities for study are offered during Advent and Lent.
We hope to see you soon!
Ways to Join the Church
1. Letter of Transfer: If you are already a communicant of another Episcopal Church, our secretary will write that church upon your request and ask for a letter transferring your membership to All Saints’.
2. Baptism: Full initiation into the Body of Christ and is a non-repeatable sacrament. See the rector for arranging for this sacrament.
3. Reception: If you are Roman Catholic or if you have been confirmed by an Orthodox bishop, you need to write the parish in which you were confirmed to secure the place and date of both your Baptism and Confirmation. You will be “received” into the Anglican Communion by the bishop.
4. Confirmation: If you have never been confirmed in the Episcopal Church, you may receive instruction in classes held yearly in preparation for this sacrament. The bishop alone administers this sacrament, thereby making one a communicant of the Episcopal Church at All Saints’.
Our Location
Traveling from Interstate 64:
Take Exit 282, "Northampton Boulevard, Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel." Continue on Northhampton Boulevard for approximately 4.5 miles. Exit east, marked "Shore Drive/Beaches", onto Shore Drive. Travel approximately 3 miles, and turn right onto West Great Neck Road. Going south you will cross a bridge over Long Creek. Turn right onto Adam Keeling Road; you will see our sign on the left side of the road, where you will turn left onto Woodside Lane.
From the Virginia Beach/Norfolk Expressway (Route 264): Take Exit 5, Lynnhaven Parkway - North, to Virginia Beach Boulevard (Route 58) and turn right. Turn left on North Great Neck Road and go approximately 5 miles. You will pass John B. Dey Elementary School on your right. At the next stoplight (before the bridge) turn left onto Adam Keeling Road, and follow straight across the next intersection until you see the church sign on the left. Turn left onto Woodside Lane to enter our parking lot.